School of Enlightenment

A Unit of Trishuldhari Smrity Sansthan

+91 9631456981


Founder Desk

We, SOE Bairiya, Patna impart futuristic academic education and instill high patterns of discipline through our dedicated staffs who set global standard , making our students academically superior and ethically strong, who in turn shall improve not only the quality of education but quality of the life of the human race.

Our mission is to educate our pupils from all India, including those from the local and rural areas, so that they become enlightened individuals, improving the living standard of their families, city and society. We will provide individual attention, world class quality of and take care of character building.

We, at SOE Bairiya aspire to establish a system of quality assurance which would on the continuous basic evaluate and monitor the quality of education and training imparted at SOE Bairiya, improve the teaching-learning process and ultimately the Vidyalaya is the Centre of excellence….. in today`s competitive world of education, what brand a school “excellent” is certainly the results.