School of Enlightenment

A Unit of Trishuldhari Smrity Sansthan

+91 9631456981


Examination& Promotion

Examinations are conduct Quarterly in a year of month August, November and March.

1. Promotion at the end of the year will be based on overall conduct record, attendance, continuous assessment in every subject and on the work done during the year.
2. The students who are absent from any Assessment or Unit Test, no provision can be made for supplementary examination/test.

3. Attendance for internal assessments for classes is compulsory. No exceptions can be made in this regard.
4. Failure to appear at any assessment can seriously affect a student's academic progress and promotion.
» Breach of any of the regulations of conduct at examinations, or indiscipline in or outside the hall, or the use of unfair means, even if discovered subsequently, will merit the cancellation of that particular paper and the student concerned will be awarded a zero. He will also be given a General Remark stating the facts of the incident.
» A student, who has made arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with question papers from any person or any agency, is liable to have his result in the examination, cancelled as a whole. Candidates who are detected giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, will be debarred from the examination.
» A student, guilty of disorderly conduct or responsible for causing any kind of disturbance in or near the examination hall, is liable to be refused admission to subsequent papers.
» A student is not expected to haveany possession like book, memorandum, pocket book, notes, or papers whatsoever during the examination.

7. No consideration can be made if the candidate misses the assessments in all the terms.
8. There is no arrangement for “re-examination” or “promotion on trial”.
9. A student who fails to secure promotion may be asked to leave the school. In no case, however, He/Shewill be allowed to repeat the same class for a second time. A student, who fails twice, in three consecutive years, must be withdrawn.
10. The reports must be collected by the Parents on the stipulated day. A defaulter may be penalized through a fine/and may not be allowed to attend school, until his report is collected.
11. In all questions of promotion or failure, the Principal’s decision is final.