School of Enlightenment

A Unit of Trishuldhari Smrity Sansthan

+91 9631456981



A) Apart from overall conduct, attendance and work done during the year, a student should pass in all subjects. He may be considered for promotion even if he fails in any one of the subjects. Pass marks in science, English and math are mandatory for promotion to the higher class.
B) Evaluation System: Evaluation for the junior and Higher will be done through the marks system.

Grades and Divisions:

% marks Grade Remarks Division (out of Grand total)
80% - 100% A Excellent 60% - 100% - 1st
60% - 79% B Very Good 45% - 59% - 2nd
50% - 59% C Good 33% - 44% - 3rd
40% - 49% D Satisfactory Below 33% - Failure
33% - 39% E Pass